Bodo Pricing

Bodo offers a simple, usage-based pricing model. Save up to 95% of your total compute costs with Bodo's extremely efficient compute engine. Spin up clusters quickly, and scale up or down based on your usage needs.


Starting at
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Committed use

Starting at
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Massive-scale SQL engine
High-performance parallel Python
Scalable connectors for Snowflake, S3, ADLS
Automatic unlimited multi-node parallel compute scaling
1-click job management
Notebooks and collaboration
Workspace and access control
Multi-cloud deployment
AWS and Azure
Customer managed VPC
Single sign-on
Audit logs
Multi-factor authentication
API tokens
Role-based access control
Admin console
Committed use discounts
Not available
Community Support
Direct channel to Bodo experts, Enterprise SLAs
*Compute infrastructure costs are not included in Bodo pricing. Contact us for Bodo pricing specific to your needs.

Pricing Use Case Examples

Intraday: Retail sales

  • Continuous workload running three times a day for 1 hour.
  • Retail sales analytics computations, e.g.,  aggregations and custom UDFs.
  • 100s of GBs of data.
  • Cluster: 4 * c5.18xlarge (4 * 3.067 per hour) * 91 hrs/month
Bodo + AWS compute cost: $2,450/month

Biweekly: Ad-tech customer master

  • Large-scale workload running 2hrs twice a week; no cluster persistence needed.
  • Updating a marketing database of US adults, including large-scale joins.
  • TBs of data.
  • Cluster: 12 * c5d.18xlarge (12 * 4.15 per hour) * 17.3 hrs/month
Bodo + AWS compute cost: $1581/month

Pricing FAQs

Learn more about Bodo pricing and billing.

Pricing FAQs
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